Wednesday 26 November 2014

The Fibonacci Sequence: Basic Things

The Fibonacci sequence: an introduction

The Fibonacci sequence is probably one of the most famous — and most widely written-about — number sequences in all of mathematics. So why write about it, if it’s been written about so much already? Well, because I can, and because it’s fun — there are good reasons it’s so popular! I plan to spend the next five posts (at least) talking about the Fibonacci sequence and its connections to other areas of mathematics.

The Fibonacci sequence is defined by the recurrence relation

\begin{array}{rcl}F_1 = F_2 & = & 1 \\ F_n & = & F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} \qquad (n > 2). \end{array}

In English, this says that the first two Fibonacci numbers are both equal to 1, and any Fibonacci number from the third onwards can be obtained by adding the previous two Fibonacci numbers. So the third Fibonacci number is 1 + 1 = 2; the fourth is 1 + 2 = 3; then 2 + 3 = 5; and so on. The first fifteen Fibonacci numbers are


As you can see, they get large fairly quickly. The 31st Fibonacci number is the first to exceed one million, and the 45th is already bigger than one billion.

The definition of the Fibonacci sequence is quite simple, but there’s a LOT more here than meets the eye, which I hope to expand on in subsequent posts. For now, we’ll start with this simple observation: what happens if you sum all the Fibonacci numbers up to a certain point? For example, let’s add up all the Fibonacci numbers up to 5: 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 12. Okay. How about going one further: 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 = 20. If we include 13 as well, we get 33. Do you see a pattern? (Hint: compare the sums we got (12,20,33) with the Fibonacci sequence itself.) Does this always work, and if so, can you show why (and if not, can you give an example where it doesn’t)? Feel free to post comments!


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